Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Billy Blanks' Tae Bo Cardio is the start to our new healthy living lifestyle. We starting to eat better and count our calories. I've been getting used to sleeping in a little bit, so it was REALLY hard to wake up and get pumped for TAE BO. We did it though. Eric was a trooper (he's just a little bit more out of shape than I am ;) ) Then I made a nice breakfast and he was off to work. For those of you who don't know.. he walks around selling pest control door to door alllll day. Someone is going to be SORE today. You've gotta start somewhere though right? I've been meaning to get back into a routine for a while now. Eric wants to lose some weight, so I signed up to be his fitness coach =) I thought it would be a good thing for the both of us. I just have to hide my pain, so he doesn't see how much it really hurts me too haha. I look over at him and smile and when I turn back I cringe. I'm sooo out of shape. I really do like doing these videos though. I'm not the type of person that can come up with a work out. I end up just watching the clock to see how long it has been since I started. I can't help but laugh at some of the things they do in the videos though. Billy, do you really have to rub baby oil all over you so you look sweaty from the start??

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Hobby?

My mom always made me clothes as a little girl and made masterpiece quilts. I've made one quilt and it was nothing fancy schmancy, just plain old squares with a nice little border. I was proud of myself to start somewhere. After that project though, I never found myself wanting to branch out any more. I stitched up the bottom of my pants that had come undone and frayed, but that was about the best of my ability. I recently bought this adorable book to enhance my skills and give me a new hobby. I give thanks to my amazing Relief Society women for helping me find this inner want to make new, fashionable, homemade clothing. I'm thinking a new chic wardrobe is what I need! Off to the fabric store I go! I might need a few buddies.. any takers??

Funky Fonts. Here's to learning!

My blog was looking a little sad, so I went crazy learning all about backgrounds and fun fonts. I'm off to a good start, but now I need to figure out how to change the 'blog title' font. I'm all tuckered out for the day. I've also found some awesome blogs to follow! There are some amazing bloggers out there. I don't know if I want to be thaaat involved, but I love all the recipes and crafts and sewing projects :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to Arizona.

Went up to Oregon for 5 days. My beautiful childhood friend, Aimee got married to her boyfriend of 5+ years. They are such an amazing couple and their wedding was ravishing. I am so happy for them. It was so nice to see my friends and family. The days went by far too fast and now I'm back in Arizona.